Monday, May 31, 2021

Totally Judging Books by their Covers

Shameless self-promotion ahead. Grab a beer and gird your loins.

July 5, 2022, my first horror novel, They Drown Our Daughters, will be released from Poisoned Pen Press. That’s 402 days (I’m totally not counting at all, nope) in which to agonize over how many of you will buy it, and how many of you are not my friends.

But until then, I have fun little milestones to look forward to. The most exciting, of course, is the cover reveal.

They say not to judge a book by its cover, but what are rules for if not to be broken? A great cover can be the difference between a passing glance and grabby hands. Every author dreams of a grabby-hand cover.

Before you ask, no, I haven’t seen any concept art and, no, I wouldn’t tell you if I had. All we can do is dream and hope and worry.

To distract us, I’ve compiled a group of my favorite book covers of all time. If these don’t make you want to read the books immediately, I can’t help you.

There's just something about damp fabric, you know?

If you wouldn't open that door, we can't be friends.

Part Gatsby, part circus - this one just looks like a good bit of trouble.

Did someone say green thumb--er--veins?

It's the stylized roots that do it for me.

A gothic masterpiece.

I love this Nordic woodcut feel.

This cover screams romance, pirates, and regency intrigue.

That GOLD though.

I'm a sucker for cameo-style art, and that red background is like a sunrise made of fire.

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

I saw the cover and read the excerpt. 2022!!!! Want it now.

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