
Monday, August 28, 2023

Anarchy in the UK 2023!

Another quality post brought to you by Steve! 

Hi-diddly-ho, neighborinos!

What's that, you say? Why the change in normal greeting?  Well, let me tell you.  I am drunk.  And I have not slept in weeks.  Drunk at noon, you say?  Fuck you, says I.  I have been editing, editing, editing...oh, and filling out contracts and sending out rejections and crushing dreams and making payments.  Never let anyone tell you that you should ever edit an anthology!

But since I already did the hard work, I hope you'll all tune in on Wednesday to see how THE PERFECTLY FINE NEIGHBORHOOD (that's right, I tied it all back together) will look.  I hope to see some of your smiling faces at the big Table of Contents announcement on Wednesday. 

Here's the link, which you can click right now to add it to your schedule of events, or just click at the appropriate time.

Anyway, I spent the last year or so planning for a big trip to Europe.  The day I got back was actually when my last ATB post went up (don't worry, I scheduled it weeks ahead of time.)  But knowing that I would eventually want to share all of my experiences here on the blog, I made this video.  And now I can finally share it!

Since I ended that video by starting to eat some of the British snacks, I decided I'd better eat them all for your viewing pleasure.  So the next week I basically made a mukbang as a direct sequel.

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