
Monday, April 3, 2023

Oh God, It's My Turn To Post And I Forgot To Come Up With A Topic

Dark bleetings, everybody!

This post is going to be short but hopefully sweet, because I have realised recently that there are just NOT enough hours in the day. In any day. Ever. I am busier than I've ever been in my entire life. A solid 8 hours sleep is a thing of a distant memory. I started Final Fantasy 8 over a month ago and thanks to having absolutely no time to play it since that one long-ago, rare weekend, I haven't even made it out of Balamb yet.

Don't let my failure to plan a post fool you into thinking I have nothing to say though. If you know me at all, you know I always have plenty to say - in fact, I rarely shut up. My ability to talk incessantly is probably some sort of super power by now. And to that end, I'd like to declare (not with a small amount of excitement), that my review website HAPPY GOAT HORROR has branched out across the web. I'm old and out of touch, but my brother is still in his twenties and therefore, connected to the youth. And we have gone on to "the YouTubes". I think that's how you say it.

Viola! HAPPY GOAT HORROR is live!

So far, we have started posting "Let's Play" videos: on Wednesdays we post our Resident Evil 1 content, and on Saturdays we post our Resident Evil 4: Remake content. Our videos are around 15 minutes long. Join Mike and I as we game, get munched on by zombies, drink tea, and talk about horror, gaming, and life. Join us as we discuss what exactly the herbs are and why they seem to have such great pain-killing properties.

We've recorded months of videos already, and though I was a little hesitant about this, I have to say it's an absolute blast. At a weird time in life where I barely have time blink, making this time to game with my brother and reminisce is super special. He's a great person and I love hanging out with him, and technically, because this is in service of Happy Goat Horror, it's time I HAVE to set aside, so it's guilt-free! At the moment, we're posting game content 2 days a week, but from May onwards, we're adding book content, and then from June onwards, movie content. I've been working my ass off, because I love goats, I guess. And horror. I reeeeeally love horror. Slowly but steadily as I've aged, I've began to achieve the ultimate goal of having my entire life revolve around it.

If you have yet to hang out with me and the goats, we mostly review a lot of indie horror books. But as you can see from the addition of our gaming videos, we are growing. Like a fungus, you might say. World domination is imminent! You can find us bleeting around in the following places:

Happy Goat Horror: Website




Come make friends with us!

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