
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Leaving on a Jet Plane


Hey Boarders! The title of my blog today is a tiny bit misleading - I'm only dreaming of leaving on a jet plane. Anyone else feel like they might never fly again, with the current state of affairs? *Raises hand.* So, no international travel on the horizon, but, sadly, I am leaving Across the Board.

I've LOVED sharing this corner of the interwebs with all of the readers and writers here. I had to look back to double check when I joined and can you believe it's been 5 1/2 years?? Time definitely does fly when you're having fun!

Thank you so much for being part of my journey here and for always being so welcoming. It's such a bright spot in an industry that can feel very solitary so much of the time.

My leaving is a byproduct of the need for a little more time, as well as focus. One thing I've realized in this pandemic is that my focus for writing is only good for so long. I've never been one of those people who can crank out 10K words per day, but I always thought I could if I had the time. Welp. I've had the time (especially with England in its second lockdown) but my word count has remained much the same. The number of "good" words I get written in a day is flat, and includes words written on my books, of course, but also newsletters, marketing, ads and, yes, even blog posts. 

Mileage may vary depending on the state of the pandemic and global politics, but this was a pretty shocking revelation to me. *Maybe* if I took myself off on a writing retreat, I'd write a million words, but it's a big maybe because I don't think my brain works that way.

And of course, "time" is relative right now, isn't it? On paper, I have more time than ever, but in real life, my family is around A LOT more. Yes, I love them, but they're so LOUD. We do not have a large house. That's all I'm saying  about that. 

But, something had to give and, sadly, it's my contribution here. I'm often on Twitter, or you can keep up with my book releases on my website. Thank you again for all of your support and I wish all the words for you for the rest of 2020. Happy writing! - Brenda xo