
Monday, May 11, 2020

Publish Like a Motherfucker (with Stephen Kozeniewski)

Another quality post brought to you by Steve!

Hey, everybody!

Unlike most Mondays, I'm taking pains to get this post up early today.  Why?  Well, because there's an opportunity to participate in my four-course series "Publish Like a Motherfucker" this evening (May 11, 2020) at 5:00 pm EST.  All you have to do is be on my business Facebook page when I go live.

So, what is "Publish Like a Motherfucker (with Stephen Kozeniewski?)"  Well, basically exactly what it sounds like.  I have four courses planned covering a few very broad topics on being a working writer.  The first two courses were a blast and are now live on YouTube (and, rather conveniently, below.)

However, if you want to participate - if you have questions you want me to address, for instance - you have to be there live.  So think about joining me tonight or at our final scheduled course on Wednesday.  Now, if there is interest in further topics, I may plan future courses, so just let me know via e-mail, social media, or in the comments below, and we'll see if there are any other topics you want to see.  Hope to see you there!

Course 1:  "Writing Non-Shittily"
Date:  Wednesday, May 6
Time:  7:00 pm EST
Syllabus:  The first step to getting published is writing something worth publishing.  In our inaugural course, we discussed:

- the importance (?) of genre
- choosing your literary form (the difference between novels, novellas, short stories, etc.)
- getting it written

Date: Friday, May 8
Time:  7:00 pm EST
Syllabus:  Let's talk traditional publishing.  Is it still the brass ring that all authors are reaching for?  Is it even all its cracked up to be?  In this course we discussed:

- what's the difference between self-publishing, traditional publishing, and hybrid?
- finding the right agent or publisher
- when will you start getting that Stephen King money?

Date:  Monday, May 11
Time:  5:00 pm EST
Syllabus:  You could write the word "fart" ten thousand times in a row and be holding that book in your hands by the end of the week.  But is self-publishing the path for your masterwork?  In our third outing we'll cover: 

- the hidden costs of self-publishing
- the hell yeah benefits of being your own business partner
- tips and best practices for the authorial entrepreneur
Date:  Wednesday, May 13
Time:  5:00 pm EST
Syllabus:  You finally did it!  You're now holding that novel or whatever the hell in your grubby little mitts.  So the long road to success is finally over, right?  Well...  In our final (depending on popular demand) outing we'll be talking about:

- social media marketing
- moving paper in meatspace
- getting reviews and attention

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