
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Retreat repeat

Hey guys! What a day, huh? Who's following the news about the Golden State Killer?! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you need to Google and then read Michelle McNamara's book, I'll Be Gone In The Dark, which is a chilling account of a serial killer and serial rapist who terrorized people in California in the 70s and 80s. McNamara spent her adult life researching this crime and her book was finished (posthumously) with the help of her husband, Patton Oswalt, and other researchers. Check it out.

And, you're welcome.

In blogger news, I am going to my third annual writers retreat this weekend. Woot! You can read about last year's rendezvous here. In the previous two years, I went with my friend Katie to a hotel in the Poconos, but this year Katie is too important and too busy for the likes of me. I kid on the snark, but seriously, the girl is too damn busy doing super awesome author things and she couldn't go. But, not to fret, Mary of ATB fame is coming with. And I couldn't be happier.

We're going to the Highlights Foundation and doing, what they coin, an unworkshop. For $130 a night, you get a room all to yourself and meals and snacks, and you just write. Someone else worries about feeding me and all I got to do is put words down in Scrivener?! Sold!

I can't stress this enough--whether you're a writer, artist, scrapbooker, whatever--if you're a mom (especially) you need a retreat of some kind. Forty-eights hours to simply draft. No interruptions, no housework, no errand-running, no yardwork. Just a laptop and the good company of a good friend (that's you, Mary). It's a gift I give myself and I intend to do it every year.

Lucky for me, Highlights is only a 45-minute drive. Where I live, nothing is that damn close. I'm so excited to head out Friday, and I'll report back after the weekend.

Wish me a high word count.


  1. OMG, Kimberly. That sounds awesome. I'm totally going to have to look for something like that in my area. Sounds like a great deal. I would so pay $130.00 for a moment's peace! Not to mention the chance to write all day without distraction. You and Mary have a great time-- can't wait to hear all about it in your follow up post!

    Funny stat: the last three posts here at ATB have been first-parters of a two blog series. Something must be in the air!

  2. Here's to all the words! And I'm super jealous. I SO want to do a writer's retreat!!!!!

  3. I'm so jealous of you ladies! When you last posted about it I told my husband I wanted 48 hours away for my birthday/Mother's Day. That was a year ago and it still hasn't happened.... I'll have to make it a thing for sure sometime this year! Wishing you both all the high word counts!
