
Monday, February 23, 2015

The Small Moments

So as I was writing away the other day, this sentence clacked out of my fingertips: But all thoughts of the old me disappear as more lights appear in the gloom below.

And I reread it and thought: 'Disappear' and 'appear' in the same sentence, bad writer-self.

I sat there and thought of words to replace disappear (my brain wasn't being very cooperative). I finally came up w/flee. So the sentence was now: But all thoughts of the old me flee as more lights appear in the gloom below.

I then laughed over rhyming. 'Old me flee'. Yikes.

A bit more of the gears churning in the old brainbox, and I ended up with: But all thoughts of the old me evaporate as more lights appear in the gloom below.

And now, I will tie this up with a revelation that will rock your writer socks off...

*crickets chirping*

Naw, kidding! I just find quiet moments in writing like this so enjoyable. Me and the words, as I tinker w/them, trying to find the best combination. It's super pleasing and makes me feel like a 'real' writer. And while I love those highs when the writing is coming fast and easy and I'm writing a scene I'm in love with, sometimes these small moments are just as good. Or even better.



  1. Great post, Leandra! Sometimes we get so caught up in deadlines/word counts/and life in general that we forget to enjoy the small moments. Thanks for reminding us!

  2. That is the joy of writing, saying something just the way you want. And... if you put a bunch of writers in the same room with the same sentence I bet none of them would say it in quite the same way.

    1. That's definitely one of the cool things about writing, how we all have our own individual approach. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. My favorite part of writing is the rewriting. It's picking the right word to convey meaning. Establishing the flow of the language. I love all that stuff. I hate the drafting.

    1. Yes, me too on this! I always think if I can just get the dang thing on the page, I can then start making it suck a lot less.

  4. YES...was just thinking this the other day. Taking one sentence and watching it grow and become something beautiful is my favorite thing about writing. It reminds me of a musician tinkering until a lyric or melody is conveying exactly the emotion they hope to get across. :)

    1. Oh, yes, especially when it turns out to be a beautiful sentence. Love those! The one above is just one of those 'getting things done' and 'going from here to there' in the story. =)

  5. I love the feeling I get when the right words come to mind. It's so important to appreciate the little things since many aspects of writing can be quite frustrating. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. I've been having more clusters of little moments here lately, so I thought it'd be a good topic. =)

  6. I know that feeling of finding the right word. I think I use a thesaurus way too often!
